When we first met Rhainer he told us he could teach us to draw in a week. My reply, fat chance, Becs, yeah let's do it! So last week we began, and here are the results:
There's this nifty set up you can use so when you're looking through the microscope you're also seeing your hand. That's how I did this one. (The dragonfly kept drying out though...)
Copying a drawing from a book, two damselflies and one dragonfly.
Two coenagrionids I believe.
Copy of a drawing of Hetaerina.
The coolest part is that I actually enjoyed drawing these! At first it was boring, but once Rhainer complimented me it suddenly became much more engaging. Funny isn't it, how much confidence a compliment can give you, and what a difference that can make. Bugs are cool :)
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