I've been rotten at updating, so here are a bunch of pictures from Friday last week, Monday this week and yesterday! We had a grand adventure planned for today to, but the car rental being closed yesterday sort of put the kabosh on all of that. So I'm updating the blog :)
Isn't this a cool picture?? It's the street right by where we live.
'Stream' on campus where we collect.
Diogo teaching the proper collecting method. And my leg.
Same stream, farther down.
This innocent looking branch actually contains a spider!! Very sneaky indeed. Blended right in.
Every now and then I stop and wonder how on Earth Heavenly Father came up with insects. I mean, there are SO man different kinds! With different muscle attachments, different wings, legs, mouthparts (or modifications of). It is mind boggling. What a neat world we live in. Filled with so many things to learn and explore right under our noses!
Monday we wandered through Sao Carlos and stopped at the observatory. Here we learned why the moon looks different from the Southern hemisphere.
Interesting how different cathedrals are here.
Cool science building.
We were so hot and tired after all of our walking (and I may have had a fever at this point... not sure when that started... ) so this acai was much needed!
Ok, yesterday the goal was to understand the busses here. And we succeeded!! Almost. Took one at the end of the day in the wrong direction... but you know, we tried.
I think there is a cute monkey in this picture.
These birds are native to the Cerrado here??? Isn't that crazy? What kind of place am I living in??
Also, there is a super cool wolf here that mostly eats fruit... but he was hidden so we didn't get any good pictures.
Life is good, my fever is gone and the sun is shining :)