Becs found this great hike online at Agua da Prata, this is the town close by where we spent the night. It was a fun, cute little town and...
The police were having a birthday party!! At least that's what they called it. It was free, and we got to sit in our own fancy little booth, AND a band played the Brazilian national anthem. Pretty neat.
Such a lovely hike, and it was great to get out in nature. Little did we know it was only the beginning :)
Tons of trees just covered in pink flowers.
And Ubatuba!! We drove there with Rhainer, Gustavo and Natalia - and wow, this place is incredible.
This beach was amazing, this picture captures it the best. Perfect beaches surrounded by the Atlantic forest, with islands off in the distance. After swimming in the morning we collected in the freshwater river that emptied into this little cove - biology is the best :)
Natalia's a bit covered up, but this is our group! Lucky to have such great friends!
Our second day there we spend walking through the river collecting damsel/dragonflies. (Looking for hetaerina, but we collected whatever we could). Breathtaking.
As we got close to the waterfall we had some fun boulders to climb over.
Isn't this waterfall amazing? I felt like I was at the Brazilian version of Elk River :)
Becca told me she'd buy me icecream if I went under the waterfall, couldn't turn that one down. You can't really see me, but I believe I'm behind all that water.
A big fish ate me.
After Ubatuba we headed to Serra da Canastra. Along the way we found this waterfall and had it all to ourselves all morning.
I caught this one with my bare hands!!!
We walked up the river a bit to collect. Yes papa, work and vacation :)
This is the Serra da Canastra national park - and that's a cow.
It's a great combination of the Palouse, Utah, and Switzerland. (Cows)
Another cow! They are known for their cheese and doce de leite here, and I can see why!
We spend a day touring the park with these great people - made some new friends :)
Lobo Guara!! Came so close to our truck!!
This is the spring Sao Francisco river starts at, apparently turns into one of the biggest rivers in Brazil!
Dinner with our friends :)
Had so much fun climbing around on these rocks!
Now we're back in Assis, and look at how lovely our PCR is!!!
So grateful to be here, life is good.